How do I increase a site's Resources quota?
As explained in What are quotas and upload limits? users may request additional storage space in either Resources or File Drop. For File Drop, see How do I increase a site's File Drop quota?
Log in as admin.
Log in as an admin (e.g., psg3a-admin).
Go to Administration Workspace.

Locate the site.
Finding a course or collaboration site is easy, but extra steps are required to find someone's Home site. Skip to the steps for finding a Home site.
Find a course or collaboration site.
- Go to the Worksite Setup tool.
- In the Search box, enter the title of the site, then press Enter or Return on your keyboard, or select Search.
Find a user's Home site.
Find the site ID for the user's Home site.
- Go to the Sites tool.
- In the User ID search box, enter the user's UVA computing ID, e.g., tls6u, then press Enter or Return on your keyboard, or select the User ID button.
- Under Site Id, copy all the text that comes after the ~ to your computer clipboard. For example, if the text shown in the Site Id column is the following:
The value you will need is:
Go to Resources.

Select Resources from the Tool Menu in the site.
Edit Details on the main Resources folder.

- Select the Actions menu for the main Resources folder. The folder's name should be [site title] Resources, e.g., in a site named 20Su Family in OF Saints Lives, the main folder is 20Su Family in OF Saints Lives Resources.
- Select Edit Details.
Enter the new quota.

- Select the Special quota checkbox.
- In the box provided, enter the new quota in Kilobytes (binary). For quick reference, here is a list of custom Resources quotas we've enabled for users within the past few years:
- 6 GB = 6291456 KB
- 8 GB = 8388608 KB
- 15 GB = 15728640 KB
- 20 GB = 20971520 KB
- 25 GB = 26214400 KB
- 50 GB = 52428800 KB
Note: To find the appropriate value for a different number of GB, do a Google search for "GB to KB binary".
Tip: 6 GB or 8 GB is typically used when the user does not specify the new requested value, but we have one instructor who requests a quota of either 20 GB or 25 GB for his site every semester he teaches.
Select Update.