What is the Polls tool?
The Polls tool allows instructors to post multiple choice survey questions on their site. If desired, instructors may change the tool permissions to allow students to post poll questions. Questions can be structured with one or more answer options. For each question, instructors can determine the minimum and maximum number of answers that can be selected.
Results of a poll can be made available to students immediately after voting, after the closing date, or never.
Instructors can post any number of polls.
Participants may only vote once per poll.
Responses to poll questions are anonymous.
Example: Student View of a Site Polls List
Students see a list of poll questions (if more than one). When they click on a question, the poll is displayed. If they have already voted for a poll question, the question is no longer linked.
Example: Student View of Poll Question

Students make their selection from the choices and then click on Vote!
Note: By default, students can vote only once per poll question.