How do I set a shopping period?
Go to Delegated Access tool

Select the Delegated Access too from the Tool Menu.
Go to shopping period settings

Click the Shopping Admin button.
Note: You must have Shopping Admin access in order to see this option.
Select hierarchy nodes
Click on the root node and continue expanding nodes to select the appropriate node(s) and/or site(s). If you want to configure a single shopping period for all sites in your Sakai instance, you can skip this step.
Important Notes:
- Settings you select for a node will apply to all its "child" (lower-level) nodes, but not to any other nodes at the same level in the hierarchy. You can always override settings that a lower-level node inherits from a higher node.
- While you can select multiple nodes and sites, you will have to configure a shopping period for each node/site separately.
- Keep in mind that you can only choose a single site role for a particular node. Be sure to confirm that all sites in a node include the role you select.
Set tool access
- Click the Show Tools link for the shopping period.
- Select the appropriate tool(s) for non-authorized ("Public") and/or authorized ("Logged In") users.
- Click Done.
Set advanced options
Optionally, set advanced options for the shopping period.
- Click the Advanced link for the shopping period.
- Select Disable Instructor Override to prevent a site maintainer from overriding shopping period access for a site.
- Select Disable "Public" option to prevent a site maintainer from making a site public.
- Click Done.
Save your work

Once you have configured all settings, click Save.