How do I let a non-admin manage shopping period access?
You may want to let a non-admin user manage shopping period access for other users. To do so, you can add this capability to the Delegated Access tool you make available in the non-admin user's Home area.
Go to Delegated Access tool.

Select Delegated Access from the Tool Menu of the Administration Workspace or in your own Home area.
Find and select user
- Click the Search by User button*
- Enter the user name or user ID and click Submit (or hit "enter" key).
- Click the Edit link for the user.
Tip: You can also search for a user by clicking the Search by Access button. See How do I search users in Delegated Access?
Expand hierarchy nodes.
If you want to provide the user with admin capability for all hierarchy nodes, you can skip this step. Otherwise, click the Expand All Nodes link (or click the root node). Continue expanding nodes to access the appropriate node.
Note: Settings you select for a node will apply to all its "child" (lower-level) nodes, but not to any other nodes at the same level in the hierarchy. You can always override settings that a lower-level node inherits from a higher node.
Save settings.

Click Save. A "Successfully saved" message displays.
If the user has no previous delegated access permissions enabled, the Delegated Access tool gets added to the user's My Workspace. In the tool, the user will see Shopping Admin and Shopping List buttons for managing shopping period access for other users.