How do I grade a peer review assignment?
Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the Tool Menu in your site.
Select the peer review assignment to grade.
Click the Grade link for the assignment you would like to grade.
View overall peer assessment scores.
The scores provided by peer reviewers will be shown on this page. If more than one review was assigned for each student, the reviewer grade will be an average of all the reviewer scores submitted.
To grade using the legacy grader, make sure the "Use new Grader to grade submissions" checkbox is unchecked.
By default, the grade for the assignment is set to the reviewer grade. You may override this grade if you choose.
Click on the reviewer name to view individual peer review feedback.
Individual reviewer feedback will display.
This is the feedback as entered by the reviewer. Students will be able to see this peer feedback once the grade has been released for the assignment.
Remove review. (Optional)

If a reviewer has provided incorrect or inappropriate feedback, you may click on Remove Review to delete the peer feedback and score.
Release grades.
If you want to make the peer review scores the official grade, you may simply select Release Grades and the reviewer scores will be sent to the gradebook.
Or, select a student to enter a score adjustment or instructor comments.
Click on a student name to go to the detailed view of the student submission.
Adjust score or enter comments.
On the re-grading screen, you may:
- Enter a score adjustment in the Grade field.
- Add instructor comments using the Rich Text Editor.
- Attach a file with additional feedback.
- Save and Release to Student to send the score to the gradebook.
Use new Grader to grade submissions.
Select the peer review assignment to grade.
Click the Grade link for the assignment you would like to grade.
Select a student to enter a score adjustment or instructor comments..
Click on a student name to go to the detailed view of the student submission.
Adjust score or enter comments.
On the re-grading screen, you may:
- Enter a score adjustment in the Grade field.
- Adjust current feedback by selecting the Feedback Text button. The Rich Text Editor textbox will appear in an additional pop-up.
- Add instructor comments by selecting the Feedback Comment button. The Rich Text Editor textbox will appear in an additional pop-up.
- Add private comments that only other instructors will see by selecting the Private Notes button. The Rich Text Editor textbox will appear in an additional pop-up.
- Save and Release to Student to send the score to the gradebook.