How do I embed an mp4 video in a text box?
MP4 videos can be embedded in a text box using the Rich Text Editor. Other file types that can be embedded in a text box are .FLA, .F4V, .3GPP, .M4V, or .MOV files.
In the text box, position your cursor where you want to embed the mp4 video.

Click the Insert/Edit Movie icon.

This displays the Movie Properties dialog box.
Click Browse Server.

This displays the Entity Picker dialog box.
Drop files or paste URLs or clipboard images.

Or, click Select files.

This displays an upload file dialog box.
Locate and select the mp4 video file that you want to embed in the text box.

Once you have located and selected the file, click Open to upload it.
Click OK to embed the video on the page.
Once the file has finished uploading, it will appear in Resources and will be selected by default. Click OK to add the video to the Rich Text Editor.
Click OK to continue.

View embedded video file.

The embedded video will display in the editing view. When the text box is posted or saved, it will display the video on the page.