How do I edit the Overview site information display?
The Overview site information display is the area on your site's landing page that contains information about your site. It can contain information for students such as a welcome message, the course outline, or an image - anything you want site participants to know.
Users with site editing permissions (i.e. site owners) have the ability to customize the content that appears in the site information display area.
To access this tool, click on the title of the site, or select Overview from the Tool Menu.

View the site information display.
The site information display is often labeled "Overview" in most sites.
Select Edit.
Options for editing the site information display.
- Replace "Overview" with your own text using the Title field if desired.
- Add formatted text or an image using the Rich Text Editor.
- Link to a department website or html document by copying its URL in the Site Info URL field (optional). If used, this URL will replace content created in the Description text editor.
Click Update Options when finished editing.