How do I create a link to a web site in a text box?
Note: To link to an HTML page you have stored in Resources, see How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?
Select the text.
In the text box, select the text you would like to serve as a link to a web site. For accessibility, you should use meaningful text to describe your link.
Note: If you do not select text, the text of the link will display in full, linked to the site (e.g.,
Or use Ctrl/Command-L on the keyboard to open the Link dialog box.
Alternatively, you can open the Link dialog box with the keyboard command Ctrl + L (in Windows) or Command + L (on a Mac).
Enter the URL.

The Link window will pop up for you to enter the link (URL).
- Enter or paste (CTRL-V on PC or COMMAND-V on Mac) the URL for the web page to which you are linking in the box marked URL.
- Click OK to confirm the addition of the link.
Note: To link to an HTML page you have stored in Resources, see How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?